Smells like dead flowers

Age 25, She/her

Worm Factory

Squishville Nebraska

Joined on 2/7/24

Exp Points:
356 / 400
Exp Rank:
> 100,000
Vote Power:
4.73 votes
Art Scouts
Global Rank:
> 100,000
B/P Bonus:
3m 18d

Love u all

Posted by FlowerPuke - 3 days ago

About leaving

I didn't realize how much I might have ruined this new account i meant to just post art and spread happiness but guess it caused more harm with my negativity i didnt mean to make yall worry (not that you did cuz who would) but srry .

Months ago i tired to end my life..again but in the process I got banged up and just kinda ruined a lot of my life in more ways than one, kinda paying the price now being unable to create art as much and ruined my relationship with the only person who cared about me but kinda just Healing now physically tho my mind remains the same after all that . Anyways just wanted to say thank you for just sticking around i pushed too many people away already and being back here it feels nice and makes me wanna try to make something nice for once

Also I'd like to apologize for not responding to comments left on my "art" and stuff. But probably in a bit you guys will get a lot of notifications as I catch up on doing just that. I just get overwhelmed and shut down? I guess idk maybe I just get nervous but ill try. And sorry for the strange constant flow of old art I've just decided to erase my old account and just stick to this one so that's why.

Anyways 2 Long didn't read am I right ;P but love u all never thought so many people would think I'd be worth paying attention to

Anywho *digital scribble noises*




a break can help and make you a happy person

wishing you the best dawg

keep goin

real shit, its great you are feeling better

I felt like shit and thought about pulling the plug before I left home and got a job it wasn’t to the extent you feel but I’m glad I never did it my family contacts me almost every day and I’m going home this weekend to spend time with them I hope you can get help and get in a better mental state I love what you make and I hope you feel better

I love your art and I wasn't here for any of the tragic stuff that went down but I hope you are doing much better and that you are in a much happier time/place now. Please take your time and have fun making new art when you get the chance. :)
It seems to me a lot of us care about you and I for one definitely hope you'll keep on making art and find happiness as well. I wish you nothing but better days ahead and send you lots of positivity. You are great artist and an inspiration to a lot of us I'm sure. You rock girly! :D

Me and many others care about you, I hope you continue to get better and happy, I'll try my best to support ^ ^

I hope your future is brighter my friend

we care for you.

Take a break if you need to, and don't worry about not responding to comments and such, it's alright. I've said it before but I love your art and it's always nice to see you're posting something, even if it's old art.
I hope you'll recover and feel better. And if you need to, you can come and talk, alright? And as always, take care of yourself.

It is my sincere hope you find the peace of mind and body you deserve. I hope that you continue to create wonderful works that we all enjoy.

i am sorry you are going through that
but i don't like seeing my friends are having a bad day that's what i care for them
so i will always to talk to them if needed and i am glad you are doing okay right now
hope to see your new artworks in the future from you

Hope time will bring you good things in life to you